A local newspaper
runs an advice column every Tuesday entitled "Ask Anna". Readers can write in with any personal concerns or questions that they may not feel comfortable addressing to anyone on a person-to-person basis. Lately, Anna has been getting quite a few letters from husbands and wives who are questioning their partner's fidelity. For instance, Eddie from Edwardsville writes, "My wife has become increasingly distant over the past few weeks. She no longer has dinner waiting when I get home from work and, in fact, disappears every evening around 7 pm using the excuse that she is going to visit her sick mother. I noticed an increase in her cell phone usage when I was reviewing this month's bills and, in particular, repeated calls to the same unfamiliar out-of-state number. Is there any way I can find out who this person is that she is suddenly so interested in?" Another such letter was from Pamela in Williams, "My husband is never home. He claims to be playing sp...