Will Eating Fat Make You Fat?
It's been a popular misconception for a long time now that ingesting fat will MAKE you fat. Unfortunately, this is not true and anyone subscribing to this theory is doing themselves a huge disservice. Did you know that if you starve your body of fats, it will start to hang on to fat even harder, which makes it even harder for you to lose the fat on your body. Don't kid yourself. Dietary fat is not the same as body fat. Nowhere even close. So, stop being freaked out about eating foods that contain fat, and start eating in a way that will not only help you with your fat loss goals but will make you a healthier person overall. That being said there is a huge difference between the types of dietary fat you can choose to consume. Some types of fat are very harmful while others are highly beneficial. The trick is to avoid hydrogenated oils and trans fats at all costs. The best rule of thumb is to avoid anything that's 'processed' and try to stick with oils ...