
Showing posts from January 3, 2012

Will Eating Fat Make You Fat?

It's been a popular misconception for a long time now that ingesting fat will MAKE you fat. Unfortunately, this is not true and anyone subscribing to this theory is doing themselves a huge disservice. Did you know that if you starve your body of fats, it will start to hang on to fat even harder, which makes it even harder for you to lose the fat on your body. Don't kid yourself. Dietary fat is not the same as body fat. Nowhere even close. So, stop being freaked out about eating foods that contain fat, and start eating in a way that will not only help you with your fat loss goals but will make you a healthier person overall. That being said there is a huge difference between the types of dietary fat you can choose to consume. Some types of fat are very harmful while others are highly beneficial. The trick is to avoid hydrogenated oils and trans fats at all costs. The best rule of thumb is to avoid anything that's 'processed' and try to stick with oils ...

Work Out With More Energy

Everyone works out to look and feel better right? Otherwise, what's the point? So, are you sure you're getting the maximum results from your training session? Are you working out when your energy is highest, or just when it's convenient to your schedule? I understand that scheduling can be a bit of a problem in today's world, but if you aren't working out when your personal energy is jumpin' then you may not be getting the maximum benefit from your training routine. I know a lot of people who drag themselves through a workout first thing in the morning (like bright and early before the sun rises almost). However, these people aren't morning people and they're literally forcing themselves because they feel like they just want to get it over with, off their mind and get on with their day. But their energy is low because it's just not their most energetic time of day. These same people feel a surge of energy at the end of their workday but...

Working With Merchants

Contacting the merchant of your interested program is an ideal way to increase your sales, which can save you a lot of time and heartache. Once you contact the merchant, be sure to let them know what you are doing to promote their products, and ask for their advice when it comes to marketing. The merchant will know the product the best, and they will have a good idea of the strategies that are being used by other affiliates to make sales. By contacting the merchant, you'll also show them that you are dedicated to succeeding with affiliate marketing. Contacting the merchant also shows your enthusiasm for marketing their products and services. Any merchant who knows affiliate marketing also knows that over 90% of sales are generated by less than 5% of the affiliates. Good merchants recognize your efforts and provide you with information and resources and may even boost your commission rates! Dealing with merchants If you email a merchant and they don't respond, try again. If...

The 8 Week Diabetes Cure?

For a long time now it has been speculated that type-2 diabetes can be cured by adopting a low calorie diet. This claim has been met by scepticism in many corners, but now we have evidence to prove that it may actually be true. But I'm not so sure it's all cracked up to be… Scientists from Newcastle University in the UK conducted a two month long study which they believe shows that type-2 does not have to be a life-long illness. There study involved 11 participants who cut their calorie intake to under 600 calories per day for 2 months. 3 months after the experiment finished, 7 out of the 11 participants were free of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is caused when there is too much glucose in the blood. Unlike type-1 diabetes, which develops in children when their bodies cannot convert insulin into glucose,  type-2 is very closely linked with obesity. This explains why theorists have suggested that a low calorie diet could cure type-2 diabetes. Just a week into the study...

Workouts for a Busy Gym

Gyms are busy. Too busy. And it is always busiest when you settle in for your TT workout with its awesome fat-blasting supersets. I know it drives you nuts when you are trying to pair lunges and presses while someone is taking up valuable workout space chatting or doing some pointless fluff exercise. Why can't they just get out of your way and let you finish your super effective TT workout? Crowded gyms are such a big problem that I designed the following TT workout that helps you perform my trademark "noncompeting" supersets - the most effective way to lift for fat loss - without letting anyone get in your way. This new version of TT lets you get it done right, even in a busy gym. The secret to this workout is the pairing of two exercises that can be done at the same bench and often with the same weights. So you won't lose your spot between exercises. Camp out in your little area, work hard, and you'll get lean and lose fat faster than ever. NOTE: ...

Yes, You CAN Gain Muscle & Lose Fat at the Same Time

I have 3 BIG, and I mean BIG fat loss, body changing lessons to share with you today... First... No one believes you can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. I say, it's true. Not only do my Turbulence Training workouts prove it, but now science agrees. Researchers from Purdue University showed men and women (with an average age of 61 - with one subject 80 years old!) were able to lose fat, gain muscle, get stronger, lower LDL cholesterol, and improve blood sugar control with a simple strength workout routine. 36 healthy men and women did strength training three times per week for 12 weeks, doing 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions. By the end, the subjects gained an average of four pounds of lean mass and lost over four pounds of fat. This study show's it is possible to gain muscle and lose - at any age. And you don't need fancy machines or an expensive gym membership, all you need is a professional program, like Turbulence Training, that you can do in the co...

You're Not A Beginner

… but you're not at an advanced fitness level either. So how do you figure out which program is perfect for you? Meet 5 foot, 8 inches tall Robert; a stressed out, fifty year old lawyer who had ballooned to a whopping 310 lbs. after years of neglecting his health and diet. But it's not what you might think – Robert hadn't stopped exercising completely. In fact, according to him he was living a 'semi-active' lifestyle, and it was his arthritis and overly tight muscles that were mostly to blame for his less than stellar exercise commitment. And so it was pretty clear from Robert's current state that he wasn't going to jump right into one of the more advanced Turbulence Training programs, but he wasn't going to start from scratch either. Robert needed a resistance program that was not only going to get rid of the fat he'd gained over the years, but do so in a way that wasn't going to aggravate his sore knees and tight muscles. Now ma...

Dangerous Shortcuts Your Doctor May Be Taking When Measuring Your Blood Pressure

Did you know that your trusted family doctor may be taking a shortcut during your office visits that might be putting your health at risk? I know it sounds hard to believe, but it's true. As a result of trying to squeeze as many appointments as possible into their daily schedules, doctors sometimes skip vital steps during your physical exams. It starts when you are rushed into the doctor's office and the very first thing they do is take your blood pressure. This actually may be the worst time during your visit to do such a test, because the rushing and hurrying combined with the anxiety of being in a doctor's office to begin with can automatically cause your blood pressure to spike. In situations like this your blood pressure readings can be inaccurate or misleading. There are serious health consequences that can happen to you from a misdiagnosis - in either direction. For someone with borderline high blood pressure, a false low reading may delay the nece...

You Ain't Squat 'Till You SQUAT!

Simply put, squats are the most difficult, intimidating and painful exercise you could possibly have in your arsenal. They require massive amounts of discipline and willpower to perform correctly. After you have performed a set of squats to failure, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. They are also a challenging exercise to master from a technical standpoint. All this aside, squats are one of, if not THE most effective, growth-producing exercises you could possibly include in your workout routine. They will pack more size and strength onto your lower body than any other exercise out there, and due to their high level of difficulty, they also force your body to release higher amounts of important anabolic hormones such as testosterone and growth hormone. This increased secretion of hormones will pack muscle size onto your entire upper body as well. In addition, squats cause what is known as a "spillover effect": a strength gain in almost all of ...

You Should NEVER Skip A Workout… Or Should You?

If you want to be successful at anything, discipline and consistency are mandatory. You've got to be willing to work hard week in and week out, and put forth the effort even on those days when you'd rather stay at home, lie on the couch and relax. The saying says that "80% of success is showing up", and for the most part I'd say that's true. Building muscle is no different. You've got to stay tight to your workout schedule and get yourself into the gym even when it's the last thing on your mind. If you want to gain muscle size and strength as quickly as possible, you should never, ever miss a workout… Or should you? Here's the thing… Yes, consistency is important. Yes, you should be sticking to your workout schedule the vast majority of the time. Yes, simply bailing on the gym out of pure laziness is not acceptable. However, I would like to bring up a quote from the late Mike Mentzer when he said… "Rituals have nothing...

Your 3 Fat Loss Mistakes

Let me solve your workout problem. I know that you are: - Eating well - Exercising regularly - and TICKED OFF that you aren't making progress. I've answered dozens of emails from new readers that have said exactly that. And after I get more info from them, here are the 3 mistakes commonly made: 1) Your perception of your nutrition "success" doesn't match the reality of what, when, and how often you are eating. To learn the rules of fat loss, you need to read (scratch that, you need to STUDY), Dr. Chris Mohr's Fat Loss Nutrition Guidelines. 2) There is no variety in your training. 3) You need to up the intensity of your training. Let's face it. Human beings like to stick to a routine. We don't like change. We like our comfort zone - some more than others. But if there is no change in your workout from month to month, then your body will not change either. That is why I insist on changing your workouts every 4 weeks as you do in the TT...

Your Key To Success Awaits...

We all have dreams and desires and I'm sure you do too. That swanky brand new car... That multi-million dollar house... The ability to command respect and envy from our peers... Having that confidence to go about doing anything in life... Or just simply having that special partner in life to live your days with If you've always been struggling with various aspects of your life, Did you know? It has been estimated that we only use about 5% of our brain consciously. There is simply too much potential left unlocked within our minds My friend Greg Frost has been spending years of research in solving the mysteries of the mind. And he has finally confirmed his suspicious - that the remaining 95% untapped power of our minds can actually be unleashed through a variety of ways. Using this untapped power, you will be able to: 1. Get things done faster and better 2. Eliminate all bad habits and build good ones 3. Develop an amazing memory that you never thought pos...

Your Affiliate Marketing Guide

Affiliate marketing is something that many webmasters know how to do. They know what it is about, and what it takes to be successful. However, if you are new to the webmaster world, you may just be wondering how you can get into affiliate marketing and making an income on the side for yourself. Doing so is not that complicated, and we have created this guide to get you started. First of all, lets cover just exactly what affiliate marketing is. Affiliate marketing is when you sell or get leads for someone else's service or product. You are going to find that there are so many people that do this. When a company needs some help making sales, and they allow people to sign up as affiliates, they are willing to pay a commission or a flat rate per lead or sale. Depending on the company, this percentage or flat rate will vary. Affiliate marketing can be used to make a decent income several ways. You can use a website, a blog, newsletter, email, ads etc. The list goes on and on. However, t...

The 80-20 Fat Loss Rule

What is Turbulence Training? Turbulence training is my method of doing strength training and interval training in one workout. So that you get in and out of the gym whether it's your home gym or whether it's a commercial gym. You get your workout done in 45 minutes. We start with a 5-minute bodyweight warm up and then we do strength training for 20 minutes, whether it's bodyweight training or dumbbells. Sometimes we use barbells but most people that I work with train at home so we just use dumbbells and bodyweight exercises - no fancy equipment needed. Then we finish with 20 minutes of interval training. We are using the most efficient and effective training methods. The stuff that gets you the most results in the least amount of time. So we are not doing long, slow cardio sessions and we're not doing 5 or 6 day per week bodybuilding training programs. It's like the old business principle - 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts - so why do ...

9 Easy-To-Make Muscle Building Growth Recipes

Think putting yourself on a muscle building diet has to be a painful process?  Whether your goal is fat loss or muscle building, getting proper nutrition is at least 80% of the game. If you don't have that figured out, you are going to be a long time away from seeing results. The good news is that your tastebuds don't have to suffer if you don't want them to. There are plenty of ways to get in your proper nutrition while keeping things interesting. If you think gaining muscle means suffering through can of tuna after can of tuna or pounding back a protein shake as fast as humanly possible, you need to think again. Give one of these recipes a try and you'll be surprised just how easy it is to eat right, achieve your goals and actually ENJOY your food at the same time. Protein Fudge Nuggets These are great to take to the gym as a post-workout treat or just for a snack to eat between meals. When you are trying to gain weight many of you really need to pack...

9 Killer Ways To Gain Muscle Naturally

Today I want to share with you some quality advice on how to gain weight. Now I caution you that this is for the really skinny guy looking to really gain weight because they barely have any meat on their bones. I know what it is like when you feel like you eat all the time and have nothing to show for it. I have been there. I also understand the feelings that you feel when people start to resent you because you can eat whatever you want and not ever gain a pound. They don't realize that to skinny guys, this is a curse more than it is a blessing at times. However I also despise people saying that they have 'tried everything but nothing works'. This is the biggest lie that you need to stop telling yourself. You may have tried a couple of things but trust me, you just haven't tried the right things yet. Here are 9 tips that will help you to start to gain weigh in no time at all. These are tips I have personally used and I guarantee they will w...

A Bodybuilder’s Most Valuable Vitamin: Are You Getting Enough?

Everybody knows that consuming sufficient amounts of vitamins through their diet is an important way to maintain overall health and to keep the muscle building and fat burning processes functioning optimally. If you are deficient in just a single vitamin, it can potentially have negative effects on literally thousands of different processes within your body. While every individual vitamin plays an important role in the overall picture, there is one that definitely stands out among the rest... especially when it comes to the specific needs of a hard training bodybuilder. I'm talking about the water-soluble Vitamin C; the one vitamin that no serious lifter should be short on. Here are 6 ways in which sufficient Vitamin C intake will benefit you both in and out of the gym… 1) It is a powerful antioxidant. When oxygen combines with other compounds as a result of intense exercise and natural bodily processes, it can form what are known as "free radicals"....

A Critical Bodybuilding Truth: No Journey Is Perfect

I'm a perfectionist. When I want something done, I want it done right. I want to pour all of my focused effort into it until it's perfect and without flaws. When something goes wrong, I get frustrated. I'll still be willing to work hard at it, but when things don't go exactly as planned it can drive me crazy. After years and years of serious and consistent training in the gym, I've realized that this way of thinking can be disastrous for a natural bodybuilder. If you're serious about achieving a strong, muscular physique, leave your perfectionist attitude at the door. Perfectionism does not exist in bodybuilding. Bodybuilding is not a project that you work hard on for a set amount of time, finish, and then sit back and admire. Bodybuilding is an ongoing, lifelong process filled with ups and downs, triumphs and setbacks, peaks and recessions. You're never finished working. There is no point B. It takes hard, focused effort to build muscle, a...

The Belly Fat - Stress Connection

Most people look at body fat as an enemy and they should to a certain extent. However, in understanding how to beat belly fat, it helps to understand the genetically engineered reasons that we store body fat the way we do and the differences between modern life and the way our ancestors lived. It all started with simple survival. Without the ability to easily store fat some of us would not even be here on this earth today, so thank your ancestors for improving the hardiness of your family's gene pool and keeping you in the mix. Despite fat's value in the evolutionary scheme of things, excess belly fat can cause many problems and I'm not talking about whether you can tie your shoelaces. Belly fat - which refers largely to visceral fat, not just the subcutaneous fat below your skin - has been associated in recent years with all kinds of health problems ranging from heart disease, to strokes to diabetes. Fat can be cosmetically frustrating, but belly fat can al...

Deadly Bodybuilding Myths You Don't Know Part 1

There are so many unproven bodybuilding myths that are still around us. Would you believe me if I said you are being scammed out of 90% of the muscle growth you should be getting because you have been mislead and misinformed by one or all of these deadly bodybuilding myths. Here are the first three of six bodybuilding myths that must be dispelled! Bodybuilding Myth #1 Train like a bodybuilder to become a bodybuilder. This is the message screamed by the bodybuilding world. While this mantra may have inspired millions via popular bodybuilding magazines, it has also mislead millions by re-printing and rehashing irresponsible training nonsense that will wreak havoc on your body and make you just another one of the herd. Imitating the training of the 'champion' bodybuilder is one of the most costly frauds in the exercise world because the 'instruction' from elite bodybuilders has no practical relevance for average people like you and me who are without gif...

A Letter from Your Belly Fat

This is a letter from your ol' pal, belly fat. We had a great run this summer, didn't we? Lots of good times, great food, and plain ol' sitting around eating too much. Well, I'm thinking about sticking around another year if you don't mind. But you might need to get a bigger pair of pants, as I was thinking about expanding my place down here. So do me a favor, avoid that interval training you were thinking of doing. The last time you did that stuff, I nearly had to look for a new place to live. I felt like the Wicked Witch of the West in the land of Oz. Did you hear me yelling, "Help me, I'm melting!"? Instead, stick to that slow cardio stuff. Sure I get a little sweaty, and the ol' brain up there thinks it's doing "a real fat burning workout", but it's never enough to melt me outta here. Another thing, keep listening to those experts who say strength training doesn't burn body fat. Since research shows they...