2 Tips That Will Change Your Life (Seriously)
I was just recently reminded of these 2 tips while reading a great book… Bill Phillips newest best-seller: Transformation … which by the way, I just had the pleasure of meeting Bill in person a few weeks ago, and this book is actually about WAY more than just fitness or nutrition…actually 99% of the book is about transforming your entire being, your mind… your entire life. It's powerful stuff, and a great read. Now I will say that I think most of us, already know these 2 tips below, but may not practice them as often as we should… and I know personally, I found this to be a great reminder of how powerful these are and how they can change your life. 1. In Chapter 8 in Bill's book, Transformation , he starts off this chapter with a shocking story about a man named Azim who tragically had his 20-year old son murdered by a teenage gang member 5 years prior. The story ends up a bit unfathomable to most of us, as it turns out that Azim a...