Dishonesty of Bankers: Prevention is better than Cure

Dishonesty of Bankers: Prevention is better than Cure

We have heard that some officers of our BRAC Bank are involved with financial corruption, bribery , misappropriation of loan installment, misappropriation of total loan amount, recruitment of employee for bribe, misappropriation of RE,s incentive, misappropriation of Account Assistant’s Salary, and such type of dishonesty.

We should be honest to work at any financial institution, since “Honesty is the best policy”.
But, someone is honest himself, it is not enough. We are to do something in addition to prevent the dishonesty of others.

Every officer, ZM, TM, or such managers should( access to File sending, disburse, collection, reporting, etc.) ………
• Know the personal life of his colleagues, subordinates
• Ask of his/her family at least once a day
• Know about his dealings with customers and its style
• Know his movement
• Observe the time of his arrival at office and his going outs
• Know Duration of time at office and outside office: corrupted officers may stay at office for noticeable short time.
• Know Place of and person of his idle time
 Know Mode and style of his clothing & footing: discrimination may be doubtful.
• Read his/her eyes at least once a day exploring direct look at his/her eyes: Eyes are the mirrors of mind.
• Mode and style of his interpersonal relation with other colleagues
• Know about the involvement with business: most corrupted officers are found to be involved with share business.
• Observe his satisfaction/dissatisfaction to job: discrimination may be doubtful.
• Build up deep relationship with colleagues: close relations may keep one honest.

Some Important Points:

o If you/your colleagues must have to operate a cash transaction, keep two witnesses.
o Managers should not give authority to someone to collect /submit CV of external candidates for recruitment. : Opportunity makes a man thief.
o Please do not go to any step of action on the basis of doubt only, be confirmed on the basis of proof, first.
o We should remember that sinners are not happy. Think of the consequence of any crime and its affect on your family and personal life before thinking of perform it. (“Honesty is the best policy”.

 This mail is to build an awareness about this matter, not to teach, criticize, or relating to individuals.


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