What You Should Know About Pregnancy Home Massage Techniques

If you're like most parent's to be, then you're probably very interested in how home massage techniques can help to alleviate the symptoms, aches and pains that most moms to be suffer during pregnancy.

However, while there is mounting evidence that home massage can be a great way to soothe backache, limit swelling, and help to fight stretch marks, there are also a few things you should know about home massage during pregnancy before you try it yourself! Here are a few of the facts you should be aware of:

§ Before you start any kind of home massage program during pregnancy, you should first get the all clear from your doctor. There are certain conditions that limit the areas that you can practice home massage during pregnancy, and some that mean you should avoid the practice altogether.
§ It is a good idea to learn how, and where, it is safe to massage during pregnancy. Some types of pressure are not recommended during pregnancy, and it is best to learn a few techniques before you try them!
§ Certain massage oils and lotions, particularly those that contain herbs, are not considered safe for use during pregnancy. Make sure that you avoid products that contain those ingredients.
§ There are certain positions that are considered safe for massage during pregnancy – for instance, lying on your side. However, those positions that put pressure on your abdomen should be avoided.

Home massage during pregnancy can be physically, emotionally, and mentally beneficial to you, your partner, and your baby. Make sure that you educate yourself about safe practices, and that you report any strange side effects to your doctor, however, if you want to get the benefits without the risks.






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