Adjust Hue/Saturation Without Losing Exposure

This tutorial is to help you learn how to adjust the Hue and Saturation of a photo without burning out colors. This tutorial uses a different technique that will prevent you from losing your exposure settings.

  1. Adjust the Levels, (Image>Adjustments>Levels).
  2. Make sure the levels range is set to fit the range of color, for this photo I had to move the right end of the levels range in to fit the colors.
  3. Change the Image Mode to Lab Color, (Image>Mode>Lab Color).
  4. Create a New Curves Adjustment Layer, (Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Curves).
  5. Change to Channel a
  6. Move the corner adjusters in approximately one square, you may wish to adjust them more or less depending on the photo.
  7. Change to Channel b
  8. Move the corner adjusters in approximately half a square, you may wish to adjust them more or less depending on the photo.

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