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Create a Simple Wooden Frame

  1. Open Photoshop. Open the image to create Plain Wood frame.
  2. Create New file with 640 X 480 Pixels and drag the image on it using Move tool.
  3. Create a new layer in the middle of background and image layer. Keep it Selected. You can name it as a BASE frame layer if you want.
  4. Draw rectangular selection around the image for frame using Rectangular Marquee Tool, on the BASE frame layer.
  5. Edit > Fill > Pattern
    (Select Pattern from the Use drop down and Select Wood from custom pattern)
    Deselect using CTRL + D
  6. Layer > Layer Style > Bevel and Emboss (Style : Inner Bevel)
  7. Create another layer above BASE frame layer and draw another rectangle on it using Rectangular Marquee tool. It should be smaller than the rectangle on the BASE frame layer. Fill it with the same wood pattern used for the BASE frame layer. Deselect using CTRL + D.
  8. Layer > Layer Style > Bevel and Emboss (Style : Inner Bevel)
  9. Select image layer
  10. Layer > Layer Style > Bevel and Emboss (Style : Pillow Emboss)
  11. Image > Trim to trim the image.

    For More Information Click Here


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