Do you Suffer from Excessive Sweating?

Learn the Common Causes and Methods to Control Excessive Sweating

What makes us sweat? First and foremost thing we need to accept is that, sweating is normal and everyone has sweat glands that secrete the salty liquid,
otherwise called sweat. It's a process that keeps us cool. In fact, the intensity of sweat varies with person
depending on the number of sweat glads, each one of us have more than a million. It's a common assumption that men sweat more as they are often seen to be seating profusely. Shocking yet true, women have more sweat glands though the glands in men are
more virile.

On what occasion do we sweat or sweat more? Sweating increases when we are hot, or excited, nervous and anxious. Though sweating is normal, care should be taken at times. It's when excessive sweating is accompanied by weight loss, fever, shortness of breath etc, you would need to consult
a doctor immediately.

Excessive sweating could indicate menopause, or even hyperthyroidism. If you sweat profusely, intake of liquids very often is important. It's important cause you need to replenish the fluids your body loses by way of sweating.

Other reasons might be anything from the list given below. However, it's not a problem that is not solvable. To take control of excessive sweating, there are many possible ways.

Sweating – Primary Causes:

- caffeine consumption
- alcohol (including withdrawal of)
- anxiety
- infection, fever
- low blood sugar
- overactive thyroids
- menopause

The most common causes of sweating are the ones mentioned above. You might be having Hyperhydrosis if none of the above given reasons suit you. This is
nothing more than over working sweat glands. If you consult a doctor and get diagnosed it would be more than enough.

For More Information Click Here


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