Leading doctors at Yale, Columbia and the University of California confirm there is an easy, effective way to lower your cholesterol 20-30%, drop your blood pressure and melt away 20+ pounds of body fat without drugs, surgery, expensive pills…or dangerous side-effects. No drug company can make this claim or compete with this solution!
It all starts with 6 bites of THIS delicious discovery. Dr. Oz says "yes!" The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) says, "yes!" The National Institute of Health (NIH) says "yes!"

 There Is An Easy, Natural Way To Lower Cholesterol 20-30%, Drop Your Blood Pressure, And Lose Weight.  In Fact, No Pharmaceutical Company Can Make This Claim!
You're about to discover the power of (the best) heart-healthy foods
... and, according to Dr. Oz, study results published in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the American Heart Association, the solutions Rob shares with you are very real, very valid, and very delicious.
...and may STOP this deadly plaque-buildup process and revitalize your heart and arteries with measurable results in only 4 weeks. No drugs. No surgery.
Just this promise: 100% safe and natural with zero side-effects.
In fact, Rob's letter may just be the most important information you'll ever read on heart-health.  Click Here Now to Learn More!
Thank you, Rob!
P.S. Seems just about everyone agrees that Kardea Nutrition and Rob's new book, The Kardea Gourmet, is the new Gold Standard for heart health: "The Kardea Gourmet is now my best prescription for healthy living and could easily be the difference between a premature heart attack and what the book could easily deliver - a long term relationship with your grandchildren!" - James Ehrlich, MD,  Clinical Associate Professor, University of Colorado
You’ll also find out how you can get a free sampler of Kardea’s delicious heart healthy nutrition bars.
P.P.S. We love Kardea’s gourmet nutrition bars – great taste, low glycemic, cholesterol lowering. You will, too.


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