Perses Guide – Ultimate COD MW3 Strategy Guide Released…


Thought I would update my blog with some awesome news. If you have picked up Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 and you are getting owned online then there may be some help for you…
Perses guide has been released by CJ, and if you are not sure who this guy is then you may be familiar with the BF3 Dominator guide that was a complete guide for Battlefield 3 that was getting rave reviews!
Well now he has released a guide for COD MW3 and this one is called Perses Guide.
It gives you a complete guide and video walkthrough for both single player and multiplayer for the new Call of Duty. However what makes this guide the best is that the multiplayer section is awesome and all of the new maps are ripped apart as well as how you can use the Strike chains and the new weapon proficiencies to make sure you are dominating the game.
Of course you can piece together information online but if you are looking for a complete guide to the game and you want to get your points up quickly online then you need to check out this guide as it is in the next few weeks that gamers will want to try and dominate multiplayer!
Check out the full guide through the link below and see for yourself how easy it is to dominate the game and you will start to win fast:

For More Information Click Here


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