Can an Ebook Really Make Your PC Run Faster?

The odds are that you have a computer running less than spectacularly right now. The computer game is such that you're never really getting 100% from your machine, especially if you don't have the necessary protective software in place – the firewalls, anti-virus, and anti-malware software that every PC should have in place. So, when you hear about a book like PC Secrets that claims it can help your computer to run faster, you wonder if it's really possible.

I know I did. Which is why I picked up the much talked about new eBook and decided to give it a spin and see if those outrageous claims could possibly be true.

What Happened

Turns out, they were true, and then some. In fact, despite all my misgivings, Penn Chan, the book's author, might actually be a bit modest in his assessment of how well this guide works. I bought the guide last week, and today I've run through the regular maintenance it outlines three times.

It feels like I'm using a brand new computer. This thing is lightning fast now, at least as fast as it's processor and memory are capable of letting it run. Which, to be honest, I had completely forgotten about over the years.

When I bought this computer it was top of the line and it was only 2 years ago. But, you know how computers can go down hill pretty quickly in a short time so I just assumed that the technology had outgrown me. I was actually getting ready to buy a new machine. That was until I downloaded and tried out PC Secrets.

Now, I don't see why I'd need to buy a new computer for at least another two years. This thing runs so smoothly, so fast now, that I can't honestly believe it's the same machine. From loading web pages instantly to letting me run games like Crysis at 60 FPS with ease (something I never managed to do before – my previous high was 21…blech), this guide did everything it promised and then some.

The bottom line is this. PC Secrets is an amazing product. It works even better than advertised and you can bet that you're getting 10 times your money's worth at least, especially if you consider how much less you'll need to replace your old machine.



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