Comparing Symptoms Of Cold Vs. Sinus Infection Symptoms

Sinusitis is caused by inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the sinus cavities in the cranium. Sinusitis appears to be a cold in the first instance but if this cold doesn't get cured with normal medication, it may be the beginning of a sinus infection. It has been studied that a cold always causes the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the sinus cavity. But in case of a cold the inflammation clears up on its own. If we compare symptoms of a cold vs. sinus infection symptoms, we will realize that they are not completely the same. There is a major difference between the two.

Comparing a cold vs. sinus infection symptoms, we will realize that a common cold lasts for about a week to a maximum of about two weeks. The nasal congestion that occurs in case of a normal cold responds to normal over the counter decongestants/ nasal discharge in case of a sinus infection does not respond to over the counter medication.

The difference between the symptoms of a cold vs. sinus infection symptoms is that though the beginning of sinusitis is exactly the same as that of a common cold, a sinus infection is always accompanied by symptoms such as low grade fever, toothache, headache, facial pain and swelling in the face. The pain always increases when we bend our head. The nasal discharge in case of a sinus infection is greenish yellow in color and is pus filled.

On comparing the symptoms of cold vs. sinus infection symptoms, we will realize the degree of seriousness of this problem and the amount of pain sinusitis can cause to the patient. It is recommended that a patient visits a doctor when his / her cold is accompanied by any symptom associated with symptoms of sinusitis.

Though the difference between the symptoms of a cold vs. sinus infection symptoms are pretty easy to recognize, precautions should be taken in either case. People with a history of asthma and allergies should take care. Medication should be taken as early as possible and medical help taken the moment symptoms of sinusitis are observed.

More Information About Sinus Treatment Click Here


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