How Walking Lowers Blood Pressure Naturally

In this article I will discuss the importance of walking in a blood pressure reduction program. It is important to note in that the newer trend of high intensity exercise with rest periods may be possible for you once you have mastered walking.

You need to be active to lower blood pressure. I know, easier said then done; however the more active you are, the more opportunity there is for blood vessels to open up to allow blood to flow naturally.

When you are go for a walk the blood vessels in the leg and the heart must stay wide (dilated). This allows those muscles to get the nutrients they need for energy. Walking causes the arteries to release this chemical known as "nitric acid". The function of nitric acid forces the muscle layer of the blood vessels to relax and dilate.

Now knowing this you need to find the time to go for a twenty minute walk at least 4-5 times a week. Three times a week is a bare minimum but for best results you need to be moving for at least twenty minutes more than 3 times a week.

So what is the best way to about this? Well here are a few ideas to get you going:

1) Go for a walk at lunch – prepare for the elements, make sure you have water with you
2) Ask friends or coworkers to walk with – it may help to build a stronger working relationship
3) Take your child or children for a walk and get them out of the house and away from the TV -you will grow as a family
4) If you walk alone hook yourself up with either an Mp3 players or an iPod -listen to your favorite music – now if you like heavy metal…
5) If you can walk to your destination do it instead of taking the car

You want to walk as much as possible because through out the day when you sit your circulation tends to get a bit sluggish. When you walk on a consistent basis your body releases more nitric acid and this allows for smooth passage of blood through out body including your coronary arteries. these are the arteries that supply the heart.

Combine this with some relaxation techniques and good eating habits you are on your way to lowering your blood pressure naturally.

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